My Philosophy
The foundation of my life’s philosophy centres on the inherent worth of every person. In our daily lives, human connection is incredibly important. I am acutely aware that when someone behaves in an unproductive manner, they may be grappling with hidden trauma, loneliness or some other psychological or emotional issue. Often what is needed most is simply kindness. This deep sense that every person matters informs my leadership, my parenting, how I relate to friends, and how I approach my 35-year marriage.
This fundamental philosophy that each and every person matters guides my approach to leadership. As Principals, it is easy to get caught up in competing priorities. The daily, myriad decisions we have to make distract us from building sound relationships with all the many different groups of people we deal with in every eight-hour day. When we have authentic connection with those we work with, we can resolve issues and conflicts with relative ease. Yet between meetings and crises, paperwork and pressure, finding the time required to build such relationships can seem impossible. I developed 12 strategies to do exactly that, which I successfully implemented at seven different schools where I was Principal. These strategies laid the groundwork for very good communication between staff, students and parents. If it worked in seven schools that varied in size, clientele and geographic location, it will work for you!

children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate